Let's Bake with Puteri & I
Saturday, March 24, 2007 KL flickr cupcakes

we baked 50 pieces of these last night for my sister whose having a kl flickr meet today. her friend from penang dropped-by to pick this up. i juz hope that they like it.

kuE's note: she wanted something simple with flickr colours. so thats only what i could think of ;)

kuE's update on 26/03/07: more great pics of the cupcakes can be found here, here, here, here and here.

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Posted by ku E :: 19:02 :: |


Saturday, March 10, 2007 i need my scale!!!

our punjabi neighbour malvin came and borrowed my scale a few weeks ago. they have not return it to-date like what i expected. argghhh... at first of course i didn't realize about it. eventually my sister called me few days ago, asking me to bake some cupcakes for her next week. then only i remember that my scale is not with me! gosh... looks like i just have to buy a new one. its my style that i do not like to ask things that people borrowed from me. they should have known it themselves of when they should return the stuff they borrowed right :(


Posted by ku E :: 23:46 :: |
