Let's Bake with Puteri & I
Monday, October 27, 2008 deepavali cupcakes gift

i decided to bring some cupcakes as a gift when i am gonna visit a friend for deepavali later in the evening. so this is the result of part of the cupcakes out of this one

i felt so relieve when i managed to get almost the same purple colour for the frosting, to match with the purple coloured box and tissue paper. please do not ask me of where i got the box. its a recycle item ok? hehee... well its actually a body shop' gift box! see... you won't waste a thing if you have the pledge to be an environmental friendly people right.

anyhow i really hope that kausheilia will likes eating my cupcakes, as much as i lurve baking and decorating them ;) PLUS eating them too! *big grin*

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Posted by ku E :: 07:07 :: |
